
In recognition of the importance of protecting the Personal Information of users, BitStar, Inc. (hereinafter, “Company”) will comply with the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter, “Personal Information Protection Act”) and other laws , and guidelines of the Personal Information Protection Commission and other guidelines , and strive to handle and protect all Personal Information appropriately in accordance with our Privacy Policy set forth below (hereinafter, “this Privacy Policy”).

BitStar Inc.
2-22-3 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative director Taku Watanabe

1.Definition of Personal Information

The term “Personal Information” shall refer in this Privacy Policy to all Personal Information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1, of the Personal Information Protection Act, i.e., all information associated with a living individual that can be used to identify the specific individual through their name, date of birth, or other descriptions contained in the information (including information that can be easily compared with other information to identify the specific individual).

2.Purposes of Use of Personal Information

Company will specify the purposes of use of the Personal Information we obtain by announcing them in advance as much as possible, either in this Privacy Policy or on the websites of our respective services. We will handle all Personal Information in accordance with the announced purposes of use. The purposes of use of the Personal Information obtained by Company are as follows.

(1)To confirm the registrations, applications, agreements, orders, etc., received for various services and products
(2)To provide various services and products (including e-commerce services on our Company’s website, payment services, in-store sales, product shipments, etc.) and to create databases.
(3)To improve various services and products and to develop new services
(4)To engage in marketing activities, including the delivery of email magazines
(5)To conduct surveys and to contact users regarding the delivery of rewards, prizes, gifts, etc.
(6)To prepare statistical data (i.e., data from which no specific individual can be identified)
(7)To provide information on, accept applications for, or contact users regarding various services, products, seminars, campaigns, events, etc.
(8)To respond to inquiries regarding various services and products and to provide after-sales services regarding defective products, returns, etc.
(9)To manage individuals who have applied for a position at Company
(10)To manage the employees of Company
(11)To manage the shareholders’ information
(12)To publish the information of creators on our website or on other media platforms for the purpose of referral (applicable to creators only)

3.Revision of the Purposes of Use of Personal Information

Company may revise the purposes of use of Personal Information within a scope that may be reasonably deemed to be duly relevant to the original purposes of use. In such cases, we will notify all users or make an announcement accordingly.

4. Restriction on the Use of Personal Information

Company will not handle Personal Information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use without obtaining the prior consent of users, except in cases where doing so is permitted under the Personal Information Protection Act or other relevant laws and regulations. However, this restriction shall not apply in the following situations.
(1)When doing so is required by law
(2)When doing so is necessary to protect an individual’s life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the user in question
(3)When doing so is especially necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the user in question
(4)When doing so is necessary to assist with national agencies, local governments, or their entrusted agents who are carrying out duties stipulated by existing laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the user in question may impede the execution of such duties

5. Appropriate Acquisition of Personal Information

Company will obtain all Personal Information in an appropriate manner and will not obtain Personal Information through deception or other illegitimate means.

6. Safe Management

Company will exercise the necessary and appropriate supervision over our employees to ensure the safe management of all Personal Information against risks such as the loss, destruction, tampering, or leakage of the Personal Information. In addition, in cases where we outsource the handling of Personal Information to a contractor, either wholly or in part, we will provide the necessary and appropriate supervision over the contractor to ensure the safe management of the Personal Information. For more information on the security measures adopted by Company, please find below.

( Systematic safety management measures)
・In addition to defining the person responsible for the handling of personal information, the clarification of the scope of personal information to be handled by employees who handle personal information and the scope of the said employees, and the provision of a report and contact system to the person responsible
・Regular independent inspections and audits by the auditing department
(Human security control measures)
・Implementation of periodic training regarding the protection of personal information
・Description of items related to confidentiality in work regulations and contracts
( Physical security control measures)
・Control of entry/exit points and restriction of equipment brought in
・Measures to prevent inspection of personal information by unauthorized persons
・Locking/encryption measures, etc. to prevent the theft or loss of equipment, electronic media and documents, etc. containing personal information
(Technical security control measures)
Access controls for personal information databases, etc.
Introduction of structures for protection against outside unauthorized access and fraudulent software

7. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will not provide personal information to any third party without the prior consent of the Customer, except when permitted under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information or other laws and regulations, or in the following cases.
(1) Cases where the handling of Personal Information is outsourced, either wholly or in part, within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use
(2) Cases where Personal Information is provided along with the succession of our business due to a merger or other reasons
(3) Cases where Personal Information is used jointly in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 8

8. Shared use

(1) Personal Information subject to shared use
As described in the provisions of Paragraph 1
(2) Scope
BitStar Group companies(Fun Inc., JOINT LABEL Inc.)
(3) Purpose of shared use
As described in the provisions of Paragraph 2
(5)Responsible party
Taku Watanabe, CEO
BitStar Inc.
2-22-3 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Japan

9. Disclosure of Personal Information

In the event that Company receives a request from a user to disclose their Personal Information in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act, we will promptly disclose the Personal Information to the user after verifying that the request has been made by the user in question (or notify the user accordingly if the requested Personal Information does not exist). However, this shall not apply in cases where we are not obligated to disclose the information under the Personal Information Protection Act or other relevant laws and regulations.

10. Correction, etc., of Personal Information

In the event that Company receives a request from a user to perform a correction, addition, or deletion of their Personal Information (hereinafter, “Correction, etc.”) in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act on the grounds that the information is false, we will promptly carry out the necessary investigation within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use after verifying that the request has been made by the user in question. Based on the results of the investigation, we will perform the Correction, etc., of the Personal Information and notify the user accordingly (and in cases where we decide against making the Correction, etc., we will also notify the user accordingly). However, this shall not apply in cases where we are not obligated to perform the Correction, etc., under the Personal Information Protection Act or other relevant laws and regulations.

11. Suspension of Use, etc., of Personal Information

In the event that Company receives a request from a user to suspend the use of or delete their Personal Information (hereinafter, “Suspension of Use, etc.”) in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act on the grounds that the information has been handled beyond the scope of the purposes of use announced in advance or obtained through deception or other illegitimate means, as well as in the event that Company receives a request from a user to suspend the provision of their Personal Information (hereinafter, “Suspension of Provision”) in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act on the grounds that the information has been provided to a third party without the user’s prior consent, we will promptly carry out the Suspension of Use, etc., or the Suspension of Provision of their Personal Information, respectively, after validating the grounds for the request and verifying that the request has been made by the user in question, and notify the user accordingly. However, this shall not apply in cases where we are not obligated to carry out the Suspension of Use, etc., or the Suspension of Provision under the Personal Information Protection Act or other relevant laws and regulations.

12. Use of Cookies and Other Technologies

Company’s services may utilize cookies or other similar technologies. These technologies help us to understand how our services are used and play an important role in the improvement of our services. Users who wish to disable cookies may do so by changing the settings on their web browsers. However, users may not be able to use some of the features of our services if they have cookies disabled.
*Regarding Google Analytics
The Company uses Google Analytics to analyze your usage of our services to improve quality. When you visit the Company’s website to use our services, information including the URL you accessed and your IP address are automatically sent to Google via your web browser. Google may also provide or read cookies from your browser.
See the URLs below for information on how Google Analytics handles user information and how to refuse being tracked.
Google Analytics Terms of Use:
Google’s Privacy Policy:
Google Analytics Opt Out Addon:
✳︎ Regarding our YouTube API Service
Our service uses a YouTube API to deliver video content relevant to you. The YouTube API service is offered in compliance with Google’s Privacy Policy and YouTube’s Terms of Service. You will be deemed to have agreed to these terms once you use our service. For more details on Google’s Privacy Policy, YouTube’s Terms of Service, and the YouTube API Service Terms of Use, please visit the following links:
Google’s Privacy Policy
YouTube Terms of Service
YouTube API Service Terms of Use

The following data will be used when the YouTube API is linked:
CH Data & Demographic Data & Video Data & Comment Data

To disable the YouTube API service, please visit the following URL:

13. General Inquiries

Please contact the following helpdesk for any disclosure requests, comments, questions, complaints, or other inquiries regarding the handling of Personal Information.
2-22-3 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Japan, 150-0002
BitStar Inc.
By telephone: +81-(0)3-4520-5777
By e-mail:
Reception hours: 10:00-16:00 on weekdays

14. Continuous Improvement

Company reviews the handling of Personal Information on a regular basis and strives for continuous improvement in this regard, and we may revise this Privacy Policy as necessary to this end.

Established: February 22, 2017
Revised: October 1, 2017
Revised: February 5, 2018
Revised: August 29, 2018
Revised: January 6, 2020
Revised: March, 17, 2020
Revised: June 17, 2022
Revised: December 1, 2022
Revised: March 1, 2023
Revised: April 24, 2023
Revised: July 25, 2023
Revised: November 13, 2023
Revised: February 15, 2024

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties through Opt-Out

We provide personal information obtained from publicly available information on the Internet and SNS to third parties based on the following details.

1.Purpose of Providing Information to Third Parties
①Purpose of Use
We provide influencer information in a database format to businesses planning or implementing advertisements or PR using influencers on our websites “BitStar Match” and “BitStar Database.”
②Recipients of the Information
Users of the aforementioned websites

2.Items of Personal Data Provided to Third Parties
①SNS Account Information
・Account name, ID
・Icon image
・Number of followers
・Information listed in the profile section
②SNS Post Information
・Post content
・Number of views
・Number of reactions
・Comments on posts
③Information obtained by analyzing the above items ① and ②
・Age and gender
・Changes in the number of followers, gender, and age
・Interests and preferences
・Genre of post content

3.Method of Obtaining Personal Data Provided to Third Parties
Viewing of information published on the internet and social media.

4.Method of Updating Personal Data Provided to Third Parties
For databases created based on information obtained through the methods in section 3, we verify the consistency with existing information each time new information is acquired and update the database accordingly.

5.Method of Providing Data to Third Parties
①Displaying information about influencers in our database through our online service and allowing CSV format downloads through the same online service
②Sending via email

6.Cessation of Provision to Third Parties
Upon the individual’s request, we will cease the provision of personal data to third parties. The method of acceptance is as follows.
・By mail: Corporate Headquarters, BitStar Inc., 2-22-3 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
・Through the inquiry form on our website:
・By email:
・By phone: 03-4520-5777